Amethyst Metaphysical and Healing Properties | Crystals for Sale
There is something profoundly soothing about the deep purple hues of Amethyst. Well known for being the birthstone of February, Amethyst is so much more. It has enchanted us throughout history with stories of protection and love. From the Neoliths of Ancient Europe, to the Greeks and Romans, to ancient Egyptians, all of them had mythology that surrounds this beautiful semi-precious stone. And why not, it is one of the most versatile stones around. Amethyst is a stone for spiritual purity and inner peace. It calms the user and allows the mind to expand freely between metaphysical dimensions. It has the power to activate the Third Eye, Crown and Etheric chakras. On the spiritual level, Amethyst opens the third eye and crown chakras bringing razor sharp focus to a meditation and allowing open communication between spirit guides and angels. This also allows for the progression and expansion of intuition. Having more open lines of communication with your guides means greater self-awareness and growth. It allows us to see our own behaviors and patterns with clarity. Having recognized the part we play in our own lives, we are then able to make changes.
The key to all of this, of course, lie in the setting of intentions. Such a basic and fundamental aspect of any crystal use and yet, it is the part that is the easiest to overlook. Crystals are powerful tools, but to properly harness the effects they must be programmed. The setting of intentions can be done by holding the stone in your dominant hand and closing your eyes. Take a few deep cleansing breathes and visualize your intention. Repeat your intention in the affirmative 3 times. For example, use the phrase “I am intuitive” as opposed to “I will be intuitive” or “I want to be intuitive”. Remember, all intentions are already within you, this practice is meant to focus your energy on bringing them to their full potential. To close, imagine the intention filling your body with a bright light and then filling your crystal with the same bright light.
Additionally, it will be important to cleanse the energy from your crystal from time to time. A good rule of thumb is to clean them monthly. There are several ways to clean your crystals and we recommend whatever method you find the easiest. The sun and the moon are great options available at your fingertips. Place your stones outside in full view of the sun or moon for four hours to utilize this method. Placing your stones on a piece of selenite or clear quartz for 6 hours is another option. Our favorite way is by burning sage or Palo Santo because you get the added benefit of cleansing your space as well and it smells divine. To use this method, simply envelop the crystals in the smoke and let it work its cleansing magic. The last method is to bury the stones in the dirt of mother earth and let her recharge them for 24 hours.
Dinomite Rocks & Gems has an exceptional collection of amethyst for sale. View our collection and find the perfect new crystal for your home.