Shiva Lingam Benefits for Unlocking Your Chakras
With their special oblong shape and earth-tone colors ranging from brown, red, tan and grey, Shiva Lingam stones are easily recognizable—no matter their size! They can fit in pocket and be as small as dime. Or you can find massive Shiva Lingams that weigh upwards of several hundred pounds.

Every stone is unique, and yet each one has the same contours. These crystals embody aspects of both the masculine and the feminine. That’s part of why Shiva Lingams have such a powerful allure. In Hindu traditions, the shape of the stone often represents the union of the god Shiva with his lover Kali. This can be a powerful reminder to embrace the sacred balance of energies within our own bodies and those around us.

Shiva Lingam Meanings and Crystal Benefits

Energy workers will commonly turn to Shiva Lingam crystals to help address fertility challenges because the stones are said to help activate our lower chakras. In turn, the metaphysical properties of Shiva Lingams can extend to the entire metaphysical body. When our kundalini energy can freely rise from our root chakra to the crown chakra, it’s much easier to connect with opportunities and a more harmonious state of being.

All the elements appear to resonate with Shiva Lingam stones. The most obvious connection is with water since the crystals are found in one of India’s most sacred rivers. The weight of the stones and their grounding nature embody the earth element. Then the significance with Shiva corresponds with air. There’s also the dynamic nature of fire within them. At the core, though, Shiva Lingams are best known for their power to embrace the mystery of unity within duality. The primary lesson that these stones can teach us is about awakening to the sacred connection between all things, including “opposites.”

Where Do Shiva Lingam Stones Come From?

Shiva Lingams come from only one place in the world. The Narmada River has a special window of time between the dry season and the monsoon season when the Shiva Lingam stones can be found on the shoreline. The stones are then polished by hand. The elongated egg shapes are most often created by the people who are local to the area. This care and attention to detail can greatly impact the positive energies than radiate from the crystals.

Shiva Lingams for Sale—Right Here!

In terms of looks, Shiva Lingams are some of the most interesting stones out there! Their unique forms hold a special spiritual meaning. And that certainly plays into all the Shiva Lingam benefits.

No matter what the Shiva Lingams might mean to for you, it’s all about finding the right stone first. Your personal connection with a crystal is what draws its energy into your life. That’s why it’s important to have detailed pictures whenever you’re looking at Shiva Lingams for sale online. The individual colors and banding patterns on these crystals will appeal to you in different ways. It’s better when you can appreciate them from every angle so you can find one that’s truly best for you!

Hopefully you’ll find your new Shiva Lingam stones right here. We prefer to photograph every item in the Dinomite Rocks & Gems inventory individual. What you see is exactly what we’ll be sending to you! There are plenty of metaphysical properties to enjoy with Shiva Lingam crystals. If you have any questions about a particular piece, please don’t hesitate to reach out!